● The display clearly shows the moving status of the machine, drying bucket, bucket, such as boot, full of material, lack of material and raw materials:
● various feeding parameters can be set;
● touch screen color interface version;
● memory function;
● Fault display function." /> 无码av大香线蕉伊人久久


Stock code:871165
Mobile phone +8613829250070 中文
Online Message Common problem
Positive Pressure Conveyor System, Injection Molding Machine Centralized Feed System, Powder Central Feed

Central console

Product features:
● Operating interface and operating status display panel digital, intelligent PLC + touch screen. Simple man-machine dialogue, make the operation more convenient;
● The display clearly shows the moving status of the machine, drying bucket, bucket, such as boot, full of material, lack of material and raw materials:
● various feeding parameters can be set;
● touch screen color interface version;
● memory function;
● Fault display function.
Online consultation Document download
  • Product introduction

● Operating interface and operating status display panel digital, intelligent PLC + touch screen. Simple man-machine dialogue, make the operation more convenient;
● The display clearly shows the moving status of the machine, drying bucket, bucket, such as boot, full of material, lack of material and raw materials:
● various feeding parameters can be set;
● touch screen color interface version;
● memory function
● Fault display function.

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Custom type:Central console

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