● Internal wear-resistant high temperature silicone stopper as a stop valve to ensure its sealing;
● for suction, suction circuit, control the suction pipe line, off;
● high-speed transport, easy to wear, small size and light" /> 一区二区三区在线精品视频


Stock code:871165
Mobile phone +8613829250070 中文
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Positive Pressure Conveyor System, Injection Molding Machine Centralized Feed System, Powder Central Feed

Cut-off valve

Product features:
● cylinder pressure regulator control, adjustable pressure size, cylinder stroke speed;
● Internal wear-resistant high temperature silicone stopper as a stop valve to ensure its sealing;
● for suction, suction circuit, control the suction pipe line, off;
● high-speed transport, easy to wear, small size and light
Online consultation Document download
  • Product introduction
● cylinder pressure regulator control, adjustable pressure size, cylinder stroke speed;
● Internal wear-resistant high temperature silicone stopper as a stop valve to ensure its sealing;
● for suction, suction circuit, control the suction pipe line, off;
● high-speed transport, easy to wear, small size and light
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Custom type:Cut-off valve

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