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Application of positive pressure delivery system

Source: Popularity:5279 Publication time:2017-11-23 16:55:52 smallmiddlebig

In large-scale industrial production, in order to speed up the production efficiency, the transportation of raw materials often needs to be handled in large quantities, and this requires the use of pneumatic conveying technology to transport different conveying requirements and different materials. Positive pressure transmission system is currently the most widely used pneumatic conveying equipment, enabling high operating rates, low investment and maintenance costs, the effect of economic and energy conservation.


Positive application of pressure transmission system advantages:

1, conveying the material from the climate and the surrounding conditions of the pipeline layout, the layout of the production workshop is relatively easy;

2, Can realize the bulk material conveying, high efficiency, reduce the cost of packing and loading and unloading transportation and reduce the cost;

3, in the delivery process can achieve a variety of process operations, such as mixing broken, grading, drying, cooling and some chemical reactions;

4, closed pipelines, no dust flying, no leakage, good sanitation, but also to avoid the material damp, defaced or mixed with other debris, can guarantee the quality of conveying materials;

5. The equipment is simple, the pipeline can be flexibly arranged, the conveying distance is long, the area is small, and even the space can be fully utilized, and the investment and maintenance cost of the equipment are few;

6, the delivery of informal size, fewer operators are required, easy maintenance, but also to achieve unmanned automation, reduce labor costs and a high degree of automation. Simple structure, large capacity, does not occupy the use of space.

Positive pressure conveying has the characteristics of simple system, simple structure, flexible arrangement, high reliability and high degree of automation, which can help many enterprises to complete the transportation work efficiently. It is also an effective solution to the shortcomings such as large enterprise pollution and large equipment investment, and establishing a modern industrial Image, loved by the majority of users.

Dongguan Hengrong Machinery Co., Ltd. is a professional R & D manufacturer of plastic molding automation feeding system and auxiliary equipment. With rich experience in central feeding and pressure transmission installation, it can provide users with professional material handling solutions , A huge professional construction team, can efficiently complete the project, and provide perfect after-sales service, no worries. Welcome friends who need advice call.

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